
Tuesday, 19 August 2014

All you need to know about : Atlantis - The Lost City

Atlantis  - Facts  And  Fiction

The most believable theory about Atlantis came from the Greek archaeologist Angelos Galanopoulos in the late '60s. He theorized that around 1500 BCE, a massive eruption from a volcano ripped apart the island of Santorini in the Mediterranean and probably wiped out most of the civilization on the Greek islands and regions of Greece. Angelos suggested this disaster is the one that sank Atlantis. If this is so, then he must have his dates wrong - or does he? He reasons that when the story was being translated, the Egyptian symbol for 100 (a coiled rope) was mistaken for the symbol for 1000 (a lotus flower). This changes the date from 9000 years ago to 900 years ago. The only thing wrong with this explanation is that Plato specifically said the city was near the Pillars of Hercules, which are thought to be nowhere near Greece.

Where Could Atlantis Be?

The exact location of the lost city of Atlantis has been questioned by many people, like British Royal Air Force photo interpreter J.M. Allen. He is convinced Atlantis is in Altiplano, near the Andes Mountains, in Bolivia. The famous psychic channeler Edgar Cayce believed the remains would be found off the coast of Florida near Bimini Island. Other people think it's lost somewhere in Central America, the China Sea or Africa. Others believe that Atlantis is nothing more than a myth.
Do you believe in the Lost City of Atlantis? Click here to find out.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Do Aliens really exist?

Some of you might be wondering whether aliens do really exist or no. To find out more about it, click here or visit

Who was the real cause of World War 1?

Get to know the conspiracy behind the real cause of World War 1 at

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Did Adolf Hitler fake his own death?

The latest rumour to be circulating is that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in Berlin in 1945, but actually ended his days in Argentina.
According to British journalist Gerrard Williams and Simon Dunstan in their new book Grey Wolf: The Escape Of Adolf Hitler, they claim they have discovered overwhelming amount of evidence “to suggest Hitler died an old man in South America.”
The new book claims that Hitler lived in Argentina for 17 years and could have been raised two daughters before he died in 1962.
They also claim that the Hitler skull fragments which are previously used to confirm his death of a gunshot wound to the head are actually that of a young woman.

View the video here or visit

Who are the Majestic 12?

Majestic 12 (or MJ-12) is alleged to have been the code name of a secret committee of scientists, military leaders, and government officials, formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman. The purpose of the committee was stated in the Wilbert Smith memo (see below) to have been to investigate the slew of reports of "flying saucer" sightings that were then being received by U.S. military intelligence and in particular to look into the possible physics and technology of propulsion of the aerial objects that were being reported. The formation of the committee is, because of the timing, widely believed to have been precipitated by the recovery of a UFO north of Roswell, New Mexico during June/July 1947.

View the video here.

Did the CIA create AIDS?

Click here for the video or read below for the conspiracy about CIA & AIDS

Since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first reported the HIV/AIDS epidemic in 1981, rumors have persisted that the deadly virus was created by the CIA to wipe out homosexuals and African Americans. Even today, the conspiracy theory has a number of high-profile believers. South African President Thabo Mbeki once touted the theory, disputing scientific claims that the virus originated in Africa and accusing the U.S. government of manufacturing the disease in military labs. When she won the Nobel Peace Prize, Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai used the international spotlight to support that theory as well. Others insist that the government deliberately injected gay men with the virus during 1978 hepatitis-B experiments in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Still others point to Richard Nixon, who combined the U.S. Army's biowarfare department with the National Cancer Institute in 1971. Though the co-discoverers of HIV — Dr. Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute and Dr. Luc Montagnier of the Pasteur Institute in Paris — don't agree on its origins, most members of the scientific community believe the virus jumped from monkeys to humans some time during the 1930s.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Are the Apollo Missions to the Moon, Faked?

Many conspiracy theorists believe that the Apollo Moon Landings were faked by USA for the mere purpose of winning the Space Race during the Cold War against the USSR.

Watch the video here.

All you need to know about : Illuminati

Illuminati literally means "one who is illuminated" or "the enlightened ones," describing someone who has received "the light" or some great knowledge."  The Order of the Illuminati was founded by Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) on May 1, 1776. Weishaupt was trained by the Jesuits and was a professor of Natural and Cannon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Germany. There is some debate about the name of the Order when it was first created. Some claim it was called the Order of the Perfectibilists. Others say it was the Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria or AISB. Their outward purpose was "to attain the highest possible degree of morality and virtue, and to lay the foundation for the reformation of the world by the association of good men to oppose the progress of moral evil."

The Illuminati contend that they have achieved control over the world's economy by controlling the International Bankers in their effort to create a one world government

Did the Titanic Really Sink?

Conspiracy theorists believe it was not the RMS Titanic that really sank, but was her sister ship RMS Olympic that sank on the fateful day.

For the video link, click here or read below for the entire conspiracy.

On 20 September 1911, the Olympic was involved in a collision with the Royal Navy’s light cruiser HMS Hawkein the Brambles Channel near Southampton.  Hawkehad been inexorably drawn toward the Olympic by the giant liner’s wake (in fact, this incident led to the discovery of a new hydrodynamic principle affecting ships moving in parallel in restricted waters).  So powerful was the suction that the cruiser’s ram bow was driven into the liner’s starboard side, aft of the engine room, damaging the starboard propellor shaft.   (Gardiner falsely claims that the collision damaged theOlympic’s center turbine  mountings and her keel.)  A subsequent Court of Inquiry (at which the new hydrodynamic principle was presented for the first time) found that the Olympic was at fault, and the owners of the ship, the White Star Line and its parent company, International Mercantile Marine, were liable for damages.  As Gardiner spins his yarn, this ruling had dire financial consequences for both White Star and IMM, as White Star’s insurers (Lloyds of London) refused to honor the insurance claim–conveniently ignoring the fact that Lloyd’s did not insure theOlympic, as the White Star Line was self-insured.  What was true was repairs to the Olympic would take nearly two months, forcing White Star to not only absorb the cost of the repairs but also the lost revenue that resulted from the company’s largest, newest, and most glamorous liner being out of service.  An unexpected consequence was that the repairs to theOlympic would set back the completion of the Titanicat the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast by a similar span of time, delaying the new ship’s introduction and maiden voyage.

To make matters worse, at least, so Gardiner tells us, the damage to the Olympic proved to be even more serious than was first believed, for after the ship was repaired and returned to service, she supposedly began experiencing severe engine problems which caused her to be returned to Harland and Wolff yet again, this time in February 1912.   The ostensible reason for this return, as told to the public in general, was that theOlympic had lost a propellor blade and that she had to be drydocked to allow its replacement.  This is where Gardiner becomes the most ambitious–and at the same time, the most absurd.  He theorizes that, in order to get at least one of the two liners to sea and earning money, the crippled Olympic was converted into the almost-completed Titanic, the Titanic then assuming her older sister’s identity.  Betraying an almost total ignorance of ships and shipbuilding in general, Gardiner asserts that all that was necessary to accomplish this identity switch was exchanging those parts of the ships which bore the vessels’ names: name plates, bells, navigation equipment, lifeboats, and any interior signing bearing the name Olympic or Titanic.  This, of course, completely ignores the physical differences that already existed between the two ships, for example, the completely reworked accommodations on B and C Decks, which dramatically altered the number and arrangement of the windows and portholes on both decks; the extended enclosure aft on C Deck, the different arrangement of ventilators, fans, piping and machinery on the Boat Deck; the difficulty in changing the shell-plating at the bow and stern which bore the ships’ names (the names weren’t just painted on the plates, they were cut into the plates in letters four feet high and one-half inch deep).  But hey!  It’s a conspiracy theory–why let something as mundane as facts or the truth get in the way of a good fantasy, right?  One last minute alteration was made to theOlympic–supposedly now the “Titanic”-which was done to forever make her distinct from her sister–and at the same time assure that everyone would know that the ship which was to be sunk was indeed the “Titanic.”The forward two-fifths of her Promenade Deck (B Deck) were enclosed by steel screening and glass windows.
(Just in passing, Gardiner also forgets to explain how this switch was to be concealed from the shipyard workers who were working on the two ships–some 15,000 of them–for that matter.  As my friend James Carlisle, Belfast-born and raised, puts it, “How on earth can anyone expect 15,000 Irishmen to keep a secret?”)
The length of the “Titanic’s sea trials is further evidence of the switch, as Gardiner sees it.  TheOlympic‘s trials in 1910 required two full days, while the “Titanic’s trials reportedly took less than a day to complete.  By Gardiner’s accounting, why bother conducting sea trials on a ship that had already passed them almost two years earlier?   He also claims that the “Titanic” never traveled faster than one-half her designed top speed, as her damaged hull was too weak to endure the stresses of a prolonged high-speed run.  Any and all documentary records indicating otherwise were, he says, falsified in order to maintain and perpetuate the massive insurance fraud which was about to take place.  (Gardiner conveniently forgets to explain how in just four and one-half days the “Titanic”reached the position where she sank if she was never able to travel at more than 12 knots.  Details, right?)
For that is the heart of Gardiner’s thesis: the switching the two liners was done to perpetrate an insurance fraud on a near-unimaginable scale.  The “Titanic”–actually the crippled and irreparable Olympic–would be lost at sea, and an insurance claim for her total value, some $15,000,000 in 1912, would be filed and of necessity honored.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

The Missing Tesla Files

Who is Nikola Tesla?
Nikola Tesla  was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer,mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
The Missing Tesla Files Conspiracy:-
A popular conspiracy theory holds that Tesla invented a free energy device, but that the powers that be prevented him from publishing it, because it would hurt their investments. Of course, free energy as such does not exist, and literally speaking, this conspiracy theory is easy to refute, although one might still claim he referred to something else and the energy is not literally free, just very abundant.
One element of those conspiracy theories, however, is the claim that his documents were confiscated and classified shortly after his death. My question is not about free energy, but rather:
Does or did the US government, CIA, FBI, or some other agency, confiscate documents by Nikola Tesla and keep those classified to this date?

For the descriptional video, click here  or visit

Area 51 : A secret alien testing site?

Its secretive nature and undoubted connection to classified aircraft research, together with reports of unusual phenomena, have led Area 51 to become a focus of modern UFO and conspiracy theories. Some of the activities mentioned in such theories at Area 51 include:
  • The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft (including material supposedly recovered at Roswell), the study of their occupants (living and dead), and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology.
  • Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials.
  • The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs.
  • The development of means of weather control.
  • The development of time travel and teleportation technology.
  • The development of unusual and exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program.
  • Activities related to a supposed shadowy one world government or the Majestic 12 organization.

For video description, click here or visit

The Roswell Incident

The Roswell UFO incident took place in the U.S. in June or early July 1947, when an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. Explanations of what took place are based on both official and unofficial communications. Although the crash is attributed to a secret U.S. military Air Force surveillance balloon by the U.S. government, the most famous explanation of what occurred is that the object was a spacecraft containing extraterrestrial life. Since the late 1970s, the Roswell incident has been the subject of much controversy, and conspiracy theories have arisen about the event.

For more info & related videos click here or visit

Newspaper article dated 8th July, 1947

Cicada 3301 : The Internet's Most Secret Organisation

Cicada 3301 is a name given to an enigmatic organization that on three occasions has posted a set of complex puzzles to recruit capable cryptanalysts from the public. The first Internet puzzle started on January 5, 2012 and ran for approximately one month. A second round began exactly one year later on January 5, 2013, and a third round is ongoing following confirmation of a fresh clue posted on Twitter on 5 January 2014. The stated intent was to recruit "intelligent individuals" by presenting a series of puzzles which were to be solved, each in order, to find the next. The puzzles focused heavily on data security, cryptography, and steganography.
It has been called "the most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the internet age," and is listed as one of the "Top 5 eeriest, unsolved mysteries of the Internet" by the Washington Post, and much speculation exists as to its purpose. Many have speculated that it is a recruitment tool for the NSA,CIAMI6, or a cyber mercenary group. Others have claimed it is an Alternate Reality Game (ARG), but the fact that no company or individual has taken credit or tried to monetize it, combined with the fact that none who have solved the puzzles have ever come forward, has led most to feel that it is not. Others have claimed it is run by a bank working on cryptocurrency

For more info, click here or visit

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